Rules & Regulations

List of our Rules & Regulations

  • students must be in the school campus at least 10 minutes before the time fixed for the school prayer.
  • no student may leave premises during school hours and interval without prior permission at the class teacher after granted by the teacher in charge.
  • loss of ID card will face you are fine of rupees 60 for a new one.
  • school bags and tiffin boxes should be washed regularly
  • please send healthy, fresh and nutritious snacks in your child’s tiffin box daily.
  • if you wish to take a leave please feel the leave application and get it approved by the class teacher.
  • if a child remains absent for three or more days he or she is requires to submit a doctor’s certificate.
  • uniform should always be clean and ironed. faded uniforms are not allowed.
  • should have very short hair and girls must wear a hair band with their neatly tied.
  • complaints if any must be clearly written and signed and presented to the teacher in oral complaints will be entertained.
  • children who are sick should not be sent to school children suffering from infectious disease should not be sent to school until they are completely cured and doctor’s certificate is obtained.
  • parents or guardians must check the diary and sign it daily.
  • students will not be permitted to leave the school premises during class hours. students will be severely dealt with if they disobey this rule.
  • parents need to check the school diary everyday and note the homework and other instruction given. they are advise to check the bags of their wards to see if any circular/notice / invitation etc. has been issued.
  • parents should insure that their children do not bring any valuables item to school.
  • They should also discourage buying and bringing of expensive items including stationery and other items.
  • parents must provided the school with correct contact numbers and also inform about the changes (if any) so that SMS containing important message like attendance, marks, etc. can be sent to them.
  • parents are requested to inform the school if there is any change in their address and contact numbers.
  • Children when sick should not be sent to school to atten tests/ classes.
  • parents are requested not to inter classroom to see their children to teachers during school hours without prior premission of the teacher in charge.
  • The name, rule number , class and sections of the pupil should be clearly mark on all belongings of the child eg. Water bottle school will not be responsible for lost materials.
  • Students who habitually keep including in cheating ,theft ,misbehaviour or misconduct , despite repeated warnings and constant efforts by the staff to improve their behaviour will be reported.
  • parents should ensure that their words the regular about their studies and make a daily timetable for them to follow at home.
  • Parents should make sure that for any absence from the school written intimation is sent to the class teacher.
  • The school discourage absentism and parents should not allow the students to keep classes in case of emergency only short leave may be given.

Not allowed

  • Dangling earrings and ornaments.
  • Long nails and nail polish.
  • Wrist watch.
  • School is not responsible for loss of any ornaments.